Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm Back!

I will start posting again. I am out of my 3 month stupor as I mourned the loss of this nation to an agenda that will be or is socialistic. Started by Bush and accelerated by Obama.

I am completely disgusted by the stimulus package. I want to apologize to my children now for what they will have to deal with in the future. This country just passed social security II which they won't get any benefit from, just like social security I.

I hold CBS, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CNN, Washington Post and the flailing New York Times accountable for this Obama debacle that we will have live with for the next 4 years.

The only justice is the NY Times is on the brink of bankruptcy and Rachel Maddow and Keith Obermann's rating are in the toilet.

Please run Newt, Please run.