Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Political Look Alikes

A little fun in this overly serious election. Geez, does Obama have a sense of humor? Everyone knows the Tina Fey and Palin similarities but what about the others?


Ted Knight


Huggybear from Starsky and Hutch

Joe Biden

Max Headroom

Reverend Wright

Floyd the Barber

Sunday, October 26, 2008

An Anchorwoman with some backbone!

I know, you probably think I am refering to Katie Couric, but you are wrong. Watch this anchorwoman get under Joe Biden's skin.

Finally, someone in the media that can ask a tough question. Let's get her to moderate a Presidential debate in 4 years.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

McCain Did Nothing To Help Himself

I thought he had his best performance but he didn't do anything that would hurt Obama. Obama by a landslide.

Live Debate Analysis

John hits Obama with his "spread the wealth" statement to the plumber. Obama gives a look like he didn't say it. But he did....Robin Hood

McCain calls Hillary's name and gives credit to her on a mortgage plan. Who do you think he is wooing?

Thank you McCain, for saying you would eliminate the ethanol subsidies.

Who is going to win the "you are with Bush" argument? The longer this goes the better for Obama.

Love the question from Scheiffer about negative advertising!

McCain did not go after Obama on Ayers. Why not????

Obama states that 100% of McCain ads are negative. Come on.

Hit him with Ayers. John!

Hits him with ACORN but why not Ayers?

Finally, Ayers is mentioned. McCain did OK with it. It put the spotlight on Obama and forced him to try to explain.

Nice trap by Obama on McCain on the spending freeze statement, yet wanting to help special needs.

I like the Nuclear call out by McCain. I don't understand why we don't pursue more nuclear energy.

I think Obama wins the health care argument.

I agree with McCain on not having abortion as Litmus test for Supreme Court. I think this argument was a waste of time. Didn't learn much.

The Troops for teachers comments by McCain was stupid. I think he was playing on people's patriotism but it made no sense.

Scheiffer did a very good job. Should have been CBS anchor, not the current idiot.

Monday, October 13, 2008

We are all preferred stock holders

The government's is expected to announce that they are buying preferred stock in the 9 largest banks and possibly many smaller ones. As a capitalist, I'm a against it. However, being a realist, I admit that the government in the eyes of the people has to make a move. So if the government has to make a move, being an investor is much more appealing to me than the government as a complete debt holder. I would much rather see the government take an equity position in a company and possibly see a rate of return than just buy a bunch of bad debt and let the banks go on their merry way.

It also means that the government allows private enterprise to operate, in hopefully an effective and efficient manner, while private enterprise should be weary that they have the government watching them closely as an investor, not just a regulatory agency.

If you have to bastardize capitalism, this may be the best solution. See Steve Wynn's opinion from last week's post.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

McCain Just Doesn't have "It"

Reagan had "it". Clinton had "It". Even George Bush has "It". McCain lacks "It". I have an immense amount of respect for McCain and his perseverence. He has a hard time connecting. His best moment was his acceptance speech at the convention where he kept talking during the chants, not stopping to absorb but rather talking over the chants. That was his best moment. Otherwise, he just doesn't have a moment where he connects.

I have to admit, Obama does a better job of trying to connect, though Obama appears to have a terrible sense of humor. It's non-existent. The one candidate I believe knows how to connect is Palin. She has "It". She has way more "It" than Obama. It's been painful to watch these debates.

I stand by my opinion, Obamba wins by a landslide.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Something to think about?

Can you name this movie?

Record Company Executive: Your fans are church folk, Johnny. Christians. They don't wanna hear you singing to a bunch of murderers and rapists, tryin' to cheer 'em up.

Johnny Cash: [pause] Well, they're not Christians, then.

Does it really matter what the movie is? Think about it.

Politicians Think Like a 4 Year Old

My 4 year old daughter tonight was asking me what "T" "I" "E" "O" "E" "O" spelled? I told her that it didn't spell anything. She said "Nothing"? I said "Nothing". I then told her that "T" "I" "E" spelled tie, like daddy's tie he wears with a suit. She said in a very condenscending voice, "that's what I said daddy, it spells Tie"

I sat there thinking, she is no different than the politicians who state that they told us so, even though they never said it. Biden, during the debate other night stated that Obama was warning of the mortgage meltdown two years ago, even though no one heard him say it. Maybe he meant to say it. Maybe Obama said "T" "I" "E" "O" "E" "O" but he really meant "T" "I" "E" and we are all fools for not understanding it.

BIDEN: Well Gwen, two years ago Barack Obama warned about the sub prime mortgage crisis.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Obama by a Landslide

I have thought about this all weekend. After searching all the polling sites and maps, I am ready to call this race. I believe Obama by a landslide. I see a similar set-up as Reagan winning over Carter, where we had failing economy, dismal foreign policy and negative sentiment towards the party in the White House. Even though the Democrats deserve much of the blame for this mortgage mess, reality, the Repubs will be blamed. The only difference, Carter was the incumbent, this one is up for grabs.

So with the crescendo of the financial mess (I hope this is the crescendo) happening right before the election, I see an Obama blowout.

I think Obama's economic policies will be detrimental to the economy, his raising of taxes during this precipitous time will do harm. His inability to make a decision, will embolden our enemies. He will tear down our military. He will reduce our advantage in arms, he will cut funding of a missile defense system. He will bankrupt our economy, even further, through socialized health care.

I think Obama is lying through his teeth when he promises to cut taxes. I think his foreign policy gaffes will cripple us.

I predicted the Cubs would be swept in the first round due to Karma from their no hitter of the Astros. I am now predicting an Obama landslide. It won't be close.

McCain has run a terrible race over the last couple of weeks. If I was Palin, I would be grateful for the opportunity but pissed about the situation. McCain, instead of doing what he claims to be, a "Maverick" has done exactly opposite. He has followed the Republican establishments strategy and has played Washington politics over the last couple of weeks. He has kept Palin muzzled, concerned about what she might say rather than allowing her to connect. He has been anything but dynamic. Obama deserves to win this thing. He has played a masterful poker game and has out played the Clinton and Republican establishment.

I know we are a month away, but as I see the foundation for McCain's campaign being chipped away, there goes the electoral votes.

Obama Youth Brigade

Imagine if the Republicans had this......

Friday, October 3, 2008

Nothing Wrong with Fannie or Freddie Mac

You will love this...

Here is who we should be listening to..

Why aren't we listening to this guy?

Steve Wynn is a bright guy.

Ouch, that's the best 32 years gets you.

For a man that has 32 years of Senate experience he sure got torn up by a political "rookie". Joe got slapped so silly, that had that goofy smile for nearly the whole debate. I though Palin started very slowly, but once she got past the talking points, and decided to be herself, she was able to connect to the American people. She stopped spewing the canned statistics that Joe Biden couldn't get past and looked into the camera to talk to Americans. Joe could never do that.

Here's the transcript..

Here is the "are you kidding me moment of the night from Joe Biden."

Number two, with regard to bankruptcy now, Gwen, what we should be doing now -- and Barack Obama and I support it -- we should be allowing bankruptcy courts to be able to re-adjust not just the interest rate you're paying on your mortgage to be able to stay in your home, but be able to adjust the principal that you owe, the principal that you owe

I can't believe more people aren't going nuts over this.

So, if you make your payments and your neighbor doesn't, your neighbor gets to lower their payment. Are you kidding me? This was at the beginning of the debate and I thought one of Palins shakey moments. I wish this came up later when she got on a roll. She went back to energy, which I believe, was her scripted beginning from the McCain team.

What did this Biden quote mean?

I understand what it's like. I'm much better off than almost all Americans now. I get a good salary with the United States Senate. I live in a beautiful house that's my total investment that I have. So I -- I am much better off now.

Who does he thank for this? Uh, the American Taxpayer. Did he once say, thank you, for paying his good salary.

I switched around the channels to listen to the pundits. Of course, Foxnews thought she killed Biden. Dick Morris supported that thought and goes off on Alan Colmes, hilarious...

Of course Rachel Mad Cow Maddow instantly criticizes Palin for not running over and hugging Biden when he had his little tear moment. Just watch the first 1:30 of this video.

McCain should leave her alone. Let Sarah be Sarah and stop with the Washington filter to hold her back. People like her.

Give him hell Bill

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Motivational Video

Economic times getting you down? A little Matt Foley, Motivational Speaker, to get you pumped up for the day.