Sunday, October 5, 2008

Obama by a Landslide

I have thought about this all weekend. After searching all the polling sites and maps, I am ready to call this race. I believe Obama by a landslide. I see a similar set-up as Reagan winning over Carter, where we had failing economy, dismal foreign policy and negative sentiment towards the party in the White House. Even though the Democrats deserve much of the blame for this mortgage mess, reality, the Repubs will be blamed. The only difference, Carter was the incumbent, this one is up for grabs.

So with the crescendo of the financial mess (I hope this is the crescendo) happening right before the election, I see an Obama blowout.

I think Obama's economic policies will be detrimental to the economy, his raising of taxes during this precipitous time will do harm. His inability to make a decision, will embolden our enemies. He will tear down our military. He will reduce our advantage in arms, he will cut funding of a missile defense system. He will bankrupt our economy, even further, through socialized health care.

I think Obama is lying through his teeth when he promises to cut taxes. I think his foreign policy gaffes will cripple us.

I predicted the Cubs would be swept in the first round due to Karma from their no hitter of the Astros. I am now predicting an Obama landslide. It won't be close.

McCain has run a terrible race over the last couple of weeks. If I was Palin, I would be grateful for the opportunity but pissed about the situation. McCain, instead of doing what he claims to be, a "Maverick" has done exactly opposite. He has followed the Republican establishments strategy and has played Washington politics over the last couple of weeks. He has kept Palin muzzled, concerned about what she might say rather than allowing her to connect. He has been anything but dynamic. Obama deserves to win this thing. He has played a masterful poker game and has out played the Clinton and Republican establishment.

I know we are a month away, but as I see the foundation for McCain's campaign being chipped away, there goes the electoral votes.

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