Monday, October 6, 2008

Politicians Think Like a 4 Year Old

My 4 year old daughter tonight was asking me what "T" "I" "E" "O" "E" "O" spelled? I told her that it didn't spell anything. She said "Nothing"? I said "Nothing". I then told her that "T" "I" "E" spelled tie, like daddy's tie he wears with a suit. She said in a very condenscending voice, "that's what I said daddy, it spells Tie"

I sat there thinking, she is no different than the politicians who state that they told us so, even though they never said it. Biden, during the debate other night stated that Obama was warning of the mortgage meltdown two years ago, even though no one heard him say it. Maybe he meant to say it. Maybe Obama said "T" "I" "E" "O" "E" "O" but he really meant "T" "I" "E" and we are all fools for not understanding it.

BIDEN: Well Gwen, two years ago Barack Obama warned about the sub prime mortgage crisis.

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