Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Live Debate Analysis

John hits Obama with his "spread the wealth" statement to the plumber. Obama gives a look like he didn't say it. But he did....Robin Hood

McCain calls Hillary's name and gives credit to her on a mortgage plan. Who do you think he is wooing?

Thank you McCain, for saying you would eliminate the ethanol subsidies.

Who is going to win the "you are with Bush" argument? The longer this goes the better for Obama.

Love the question from Scheiffer about negative advertising!

McCain did not go after Obama on Ayers. Why not????

Obama states that 100% of McCain ads are negative. Come on.

Hit him with Ayers. John!

Hits him with ACORN but why not Ayers?

Finally, Ayers is mentioned. McCain did OK with it. It put the spotlight on Obama and forced him to try to explain.

Nice trap by Obama on McCain on the spending freeze statement, yet wanting to help special needs.

I like the Nuclear call out by McCain. I don't understand why we don't pursue more nuclear energy.

I think Obama wins the health care argument.

I agree with McCain on not having abortion as Litmus test for Supreme Court. I think this argument was a waste of time. Didn't learn much.

The Troops for teachers comments by McCain was stupid. I think he was playing on people's patriotism but it made no sense.

Scheiffer did a very good job. Should have been CBS anchor, not the current idiot.

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