Friday, October 3, 2008

Ouch, that's the best 32 years gets you.

For a man that has 32 years of Senate experience he sure got torn up by a political "rookie". Joe got slapped so silly, that had that goofy smile for nearly the whole debate. I though Palin started very slowly, but once she got past the talking points, and decided to be herself, she was able to connect to the American people. She stopped spewing the canned statistics that Joe Biden couldn't get past and looked into the camera to talk to Americans. Joe could never do that.

Here's the transcript..

Here is the "are you kidding me moment of the night from Joe Biden."

Number two, with regard to bankruptcy now, Gwen, what we should be doing now -- and Barack Obama and I support it -- we should be allowing bankruptcy courts to be able to re-adjust not just the interest rate you're paying on your mortgage to be able to stay in your home, but be able to adjust the principal that you owe, the principal that you owe

I can't believe more people aren't going nuts over this.

So, if you make your payments and your neighbor doesn't, your neighbor gets to lower their payment. Are you kidding me? This was at the beginning of the debate and I thought one of Palins shakey moments. I wish this came up later when she got on a roll. She went back to energy, which I believe, was her scripted beginning from the McCain team.

What did this Biden quote mean?

I understand what it's like. I'm much better off than almost all Americans now. I get a good salary with the United States Senate. I live in a beautiful house that's my total investment that I have. So I -- I am much better off now.

Who does he thank for this? Uh, the American Taxpayer. Did he once say, thank you, for paying his good salary.

I switched around the channels to listen to the pundits. Of course, Foxnews thought she killed Biden. Dick Morris supported that thought and goes off on Alan Colmes, hilarious...

Of course Rachel Mad Cow Maddow instantly criticizes Palin for not running over and hugging Biden when he had his little tear moment. Just watch the first 1:30 of this video.

McCain should leave her alone. Let Sarah be Sarah and stop with the Washington filter to hold her back. People like her.

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