Tuesday, October 7, 2008

McCain Just Doesn't have "It"

Reagan had "it". Clinton had "It". Even George Bush has "It". McCain lacks "It". I have an immense amount of respect for McCain and his perseverence. He has a hard time connecting. His best moment was his acceptance speech at the convention where he kept talking during the chants, not stopping to absorb but rather talking over the chants. That was his best moment. Otherwise, he just doesn't have a moment where he connects.

I have to admit, Obama does a better job of trying to connect, though Obama appears to have a terrible sense of humor. It's non-existent. The one candidate I believe knows how to connect is Palin. She has "It". She has way more "It" than Obama. It's been painful to watch these debates.

I stand by my opinion, Obamba wins by a landslide.

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