Thursday, September 18, 2008

Allow the Markets to Purge

I am not going to pretend I have any knowledge on AIG's importance to the U.S. economy, but I do believe in markets and how markets will shed those that make bad decisions and properly valuate a poorly managed company. I have serious concerns that the government is providing aid to some of the Wall Street companies. I say let the markets purge these companies. The markets will purge the weak, stronger companies or new companies will fill the void. Remember, nature abhors a vacuum, their loss will be filled.

New companies will be formed that either learn from predecessors mistakes' or, they too, will be weak and purged from the market place. New companies often not only learn but identify better ways of doing things. If old companies were worth saving, we would still have shopping at empty Montgomery Wards.

I believe the purge might be painful, it might be very painful; but I think the economy will stronger in the long run and our dollar stronger.

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