Friday, September 12, 2008

Whoops,Fortunately McCain Didn't go Hanoi on Her

Today, McCain handled one of the dumbest questions and comments, I think that I have ever seen, as good as anyone in that position could handle it. Whoopi Goldberg continues to prove the left in Hollywood are some of the most clueless people on the face of this earth.

See Whoopi's brilliant question to McCain:

I feel sorry for McCain, he had to hang with 4 idiots and one that is intelligent and attractive, she is a Republican by the way.

Let's break this one down. In order for her to return to slavery, she had to have been a slave. Though her eyebrows are gone, I am guessing she is not 143 years old, so I am not sure what she means by returning.

Second, she completely missed McCain's point. He is stating that the legislative branch should pass laws that the executive branch signs the amendment or resolution into law and the Judicial system ensures that the laws are constitutional through strict judicial rulings rather than creating their own legislation through judiciary interpretation (which is what I believe the whole separation of church and state came about, which isn't in the constitution anywhere).

Barbara, of course, lost any credibility since leaving 20/20 so she just let it go. If she had an ounce of integrity she would have stuck up for McCain on that stupid question.

I am guessing that Whoopi's point was the constitution has changed over time to abolish slavery, women's right to vote, etc. Which really validates what McCain is stating that he wants. Congress to pass the laws and the judicial system to strictly interpret them and the Supreme Court to correctly vet them. If Whoopi is worried about "returning" to slavery than she should be more concerned about a rogue judge that can make their own interpretation of the constitution and disallow or allow anything they want, even if an elected body of representatives had other intentions. Fortunately, we have the Appeals and Supreme Courts to ensure any misinterpretation of the law is recognized, and therefore, is why McCain wants strict constitutionalists as his Supreme Court nominations. With her example, she actually agrees with him, but is too clueless to realize it. By the way, Amendment XIII , Abolition of Slavery, was passed by Congress through a 2/3 vote, not by the Supreme Court.

Now if McCain was the angry guy that he is unfairly portrayed as, he might have gone Hanoi on her and she might have understood some of the pain John felt over those five years. But he took the Presidential high road and commended her on her stupid comment and moved on. I on the other hand would have had to at least dropped an idiot or Forrest Gump reference in there somewhere. Fortunately, anyone on "The View" who has left "The View" turns out to be completely irrelevant, see Rosie O'Donnell and Star Jones; though I think Elizabeth Hasselback has a real future, so maybe Whoopi's days are coming to an end.

No disrespect to McCain in the Hanoi comment, actually, quite opposite. I have a tremendous amount of respect for McCain and his survival in a POW prison. Which is why I am offended that Whoopi would ask that question to someone who gave what he gave serving our country. It was very disrespectful question.

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