Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Hypocrisy of the One Sided Cat Fight

Watching Sarah Palin's speech last night, I couldn't help but think to myself "What a commanding woman, what a role model she will be for my daughter". As a man, I thought she would at least be an inspiration to all women; regardless, of political affiliation.

I wake up to read this insightful quote from a Gloria Steinem opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times:

This isn't the first time a boss has picked an unqualified woman just because she agrees with him and opposes everything most other women want and need. Feminism has never been about getting a job for one woman. It's about making life more fair for women everywhere.

Let's not forget that Gloria is ardent supporter of Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton of course was handed the democratic candidate of a New York Senate seat because she stood by her man after he cheated on her. She didn't embarrass her husband and she stood by quietly for the good of the party. She didn't live in New York but carpetbagged and was handed one of the most powerful state Senate seats for her silence. Since becoming the Senator of a powerful state, she has done exactly what for Feminism? Equal pay for equal work, what has Hillary done for this cause? Has she ever owned a business to ensure this inequity didn't occur under her watch? I give her credit for running for president and she did well. I think if it wasn't for the media love of Obama she would have won. But neither her nor Obama are qualified by resume for the job when compared to others. Her legislative resume is brief, she won her seat with her husband's name and popularity. She failed at universal health care when handed the role by Bill. She has no real global experience. Her record is riddled with scandal. Though she sees herself as a trailblazer, Hillary is no Harriet Tubman.

So I am stunned that Steinem would call Palin "unqualified". Compared to who? Hillary or Obama? Yeeahhh, right. She campaigned on her own. She won her mayoral job on her own, she won her gubernatorial job on her own. It wasn't manipulated for her. There is enough out there on her accomplishments as a mayor and governor that I won't address that here. So I have to wonder why Gloria would call her "unqualified" when her resume is actually better than Hillary's?

For argument sake, let's assume Gloria is correct and she got her job because she agrees with her boss. Isn't that how it works in the real world? What boss hires someone that completely disagrees with them or isn't aligned? Don't most men get jobs because the boss feels comfortable with the person and feels the person at least lines up with them ideologically? Isn't she making things equal for women by breaking down the trust barrier? If the man running for the most powerful position in the world can trust a woman to be his second in command, couldn't CEOs, small business owners and other bosses in this world do the same?

What is it most women want? I think women want respect. I think women want to be able to have a successful career and raise a family, whether they work while raising the family or pick up their careers after putting it on hold while raising a family. I think women want the chance to be picked for a position based upon talents, capability and potential. Isn't this Sarah Palin? Is she everything that all women want, no. But does she epitomize what many women want, yes.

Let's be honest. Gloria's belittlement of Sarah has nothing to do with fairness for women nor equal pay for equal work but Gloria's love for the right to abort a pregnancy. Bottom-line, that's what it is all about. It's really that black and white. If she cared about equal pay, she would hold Hillary (the legislator) accountable . If she cared about moving women's role further, she would celebrate Sarah. It is really that black and white and it's really hipocrisy at it's best. She is being sexist, she is assuming that a woman got the job in an affirmative action sort of way.

I have noticed that women can be their own worst enemy. Gloria is taking a big step backwards by trying to start a cat fight with someone who is moving women forward and legitimizing their capabilities as both mothers and working women by captivating a nation. The hypocrisy of the one sided cat fight.

1 comment:

Jannie Funster said...

You said it!!!



Glad I found your blog with the tag Republicans.