Sunday, September 14, 2008

Last Week in Review

Remembering 9/11. Don't forget there hasn't been a single terrorist attack on U.S. soil since. Give Bush some credit for national security.

Hurricane Ike - Devestated the Eastern Texas Coast and Western Louisiana Coast. Parts of Houston are getting their electricity back. Power Updates. People on the coast that stayed are crazy. Why? Even if you survive the winds and surge, you are left with no electricity, no food, bad water, snakes, insects and dirt. As miserable as a shelter sounds, at least you are in an area that is dry, stores are open, electricity is working and food is available. In the areas that got hit hard, there are no retail stores open. The people that stayed in hard hit areas and required rescuing should have to reimburse the local goverenments for the cost of rescuing them. I am serious. These people are putting other peoples lives at risk when they had sufficient warnings to leave. I am well aware that the people that ignored the warnings are not your brightest people and probably don't have the income to pay the reimbursement but it's at least it's something on paper to penalize their stupidity.

Rangel - See my Tuesday blog input. I am still convinced that Rangel benefited from two contracts from the State Department to the Punta Cana Resort and Club. Rangel's owns property at that resort. He didn't report rental income in 2006 and 2007, the same years contracts were written by the State Department. I am sniffing around. Researching on the Internet, I am the only one making this accusation, so maybe I am crazy.

Hollywood has freaked out and we now have Anti-Palin remarks from Lindsey Lohan and Matt Damon. Click on link to see Damon state she is like a really bad Disney movie. I think the movie is called The Little Engine that Could. Note:you can hear the interviewer laugh which causes Damon to go off even more. Interesting that they are so afraid of a Vice-Presidential candidate and concerned about Palin's experience when Obama has none (see Wednesday's post).

See Friday's post on Whoopi's idiotic comments to McCain.

MSNBC did another nice piece on Obama. When are they going to challenge him as to whether he is qualified and what his policies really are. Do you feel safer with him in office? No wonder Russia wants him as President.

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