Friday, September 19, 2008

End the Rangel Wrangle

I previously said Rangel should lose his position as chairman of the Ways and Means committee because he couldn't get his own taxes right for the past 20 years, how can he get the tax code right.

Now I am calling for him to resign from his congressional seat. Not just because I believe he benefited from a State Department contract but his latest insensitive gaffe that I think shows his mental faculties have decayed.

Here is the article where he calls Palin "disabled".

Of course the national media has swept this under the rug. Maybe he should chair the Mean side of the committee and let someone else run the Ways. Actually, maybe he should retire to a chair on the beach.

Joy Behar is a complete idiot and let's the world see it on The View. For some reason she keeps getting more face time on shows like Larry King. Look at these clips to see some of her brilliance:

I watched her on Larry King a couple of weeks ago, if she can get on there and spew her views, how do I get on there?

Did you see the protests at Obama's speech? It's young blacks and I don't know the issue but there have been protests at several of Obama's rallies in Florida.

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