Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mad Maddow

Don't waste your time watching Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. As much as I can't stand Keith Olbermann, he can be witty at times. Take Chris Matthews wit, Keith Olbermann's snarkiness and both's bias and you have Rachel Maddow. She is about as dry as a sauna. She will appeal to a certain audience but her audience is slowly dwindling and she does nothing to help MSNBC's last place ratings. I am still waiting on the market to eat up MSNBCs pathetic lineup. I know this much, MSNBC keeps their current lineup of Olbermann, Matthews and Maddow and their only advertisers will be Daily KOS and Fannie Mae because no one is watching.

Speaking of Matthews, if I need to prepare myself for a tough day at work, I turn on Matthews and let him scream at me. It softens me up and dulls my nerves. I can take anything.

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