Monday, September 8, 2008

Rankled with Rangel

How embarrassing is it for the chairman of the House Ways and Means committee to admit that he has failed to report income from a Caribbean rental property. This is 20 years of rental income he failed to report. The interesting quote from his Lawyer is
Rangel failed to report rental income from the resort property on his taxes, but didn't realize it was necessary because of the way the deal was structured.

So, Rangel is the chairman of the tax writing committee but didn't understand if he should pay taxes. See a problem here?

Of course here is another excuse reported
The resort sent twice-annual statements to Rangel that detailed the reduction in his debt on the property, Davis said. Those statements were received by Rangel's wife and not given to the accountant, the lawyer said.

Rangel shouldn't be chairman of the Ways and Means committee. Rangel needs to do the right thing and step down from the committee. He's another example of why we have low confidence in members of Congress.

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