Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Where's Obama

McCain heads to Washington to at least try to do something to assist in fixing this economic mess.

Where's Obama? Well, you can find him in Florida hanging out in a hotel room memorizing a world map and the leaders of the world so he can speak to it at Friday's pending debate.

Palin gets no foreign policy cred at all. What is Obama's? What is his foreign policy experience? Does anyone have any concern that this guy would rather be brushing up on where Venezuela is located rather than helping to address a purported economic disaster?

Is this who you want for a President, we are in crisis mode and Obama hides in a hotel room? Bush has to call him to come to Washington. He is a senator, right? He is drawing a paycheck for that job isn't he? Granted, he really only has 2 years of real Senatorial experience. He might have forgotten. Geez, that is scary.

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