Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Gaffes Starting to Pile up on Obama

Obama love has been going on for 4 years. He really hasn't felt any heat. Hillary's campaign did a poor job of exposing him to scrutiny and he got a free pass from the press on most issues. Europe and the world love Obama as revealed by the latest world-wide polls. The Russians prefer Obama, The British PM loves Obama, the French prefer Obama and Kenya overwhelmingly loves Obama. With so much love, why is Obama starting to look like a beaten man?

Because the love that counts, the American voter, is starting to open their eyes and ask, is this man who accomplished so little in the U.S. Senate really about any change? He took office in the Senate in 2005, yes he was voted in 2004, but doesn't take office until January of 2005 (For some reason people want to give him a full year's credit for 2004). So he was in office two and half years before he started to focus on the Presidency in mid 2007. His only real accomplishment was the following bill S. 2125 [109th]: Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act of 2006.

That is all he has gotten done. He hasn't changed anything. He hasn't crossed the party on an issue. Never mind he hasn't really voted in 2008 on any issue. He doesn't even chair a committee

People are starting to awaken and realize he talks the same old Democratic game. He wants to raise taxes, he wants to redistribute wealth and I believe he wants to sacrifice our national security to please Europe. You have to question why Europeans love Obama so much? Why? Because they see him as a strong leader or because they see him as weak leader that they can exploit to their benefit. Are they going to pull one over on John McCain, probably not. Will they on Obama, who really knows, he has never been in the position.

Is Obama a bad guy, no, he seems like genuinely nice guy. So was Jimmy Carter. He was a disaster from both a foreign and domestic standpoint.

I think Americans are starting to look at Obama and see a weak president like Jimmy Carter. The strains of the election are starting to get to Obama and he is showing signs of weakness. No one can talk from a teleprompter like Obama, but his answers to tough questions by Rick Warren and Bill O'Reilly show he is not good under the gun and I think he is losing confidence in answering off the cuff questions. It's not a cakewalk anymore, and don't give me that he lived through the Democratic primaries, that was a cake walk compared to going up against the Republican machine. I'm glad we have the Republican machine because it will vet the Democratic candidate like no other, obviously the media doesn't vet him. He is getting strained by the attacks from the right and he wants to bring the focus on the issues. The problem is, the issues have always been issues. Every election year there is talk about jobs, taxes, foreign relations, national security, etc., all very important stuff but elections are also about character, personality, accomplishments and ideology. When you have been associated with racists (Rev. Wright), civic terrorists (Ayers) and felons (Rezko); beaten up for lack of legislative accomplishments when that is your job and exposed as weak on foreign policy, it will get to you.

Watch Obama closely, his rhetoric doesn't have the energy anymore. His eyes are looking a little tired and his body language is one that shows he is concerned. I think after his convention speech he thought he was going to get love from everywhere and coast to victory, but when the Republicans punched him with Palin, he is slow to get up. This is my view from what I have noticed in post convention interviews and at recent stump speeches. If he was poker player, you could read him like book. Watch him.

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